Godo shusei Asahikawa-city
The modern sake factory which can be fully mechanized and able to do seasonal brewing is “GodoShusei Asahikawa Factory Brewing Department”. Founded in 1997. This factory has a long history as an alcohol manufacturing plant. About 1900, the four companies of the
shochu manufacturing factory were integrated and the company “GodoShusei” was the
predecessor. Currently it is a large company that is nationwide known as the “Oenon Group” of Tokyo Stock Exchange partially listed company. The logo was written by Mr. Toshu
Ogawa, known as the master of calligraphy of Ms. Masako who is the Crown Princess.
The current plant manager is Mr. Tetsuji Mizuguchi.
■大雪乃蔵 絹雪(きぬゆき) 【純米吟醸酒】
グラス 900 (990 税込):ハーフ 700(770 税込)
精米歩合:50% アルコール度数:15~16%
日本酒度:+2 甘・辛度: やや辛口 酸度:1.2
主要原料米:北海道産酒造好適米 彗星
Kinuyuki (Junmai Ginjyo ) 125cc
Glass 900 (990 IncludedTax):Half Size 600(660 IncludedTax)
Polishing ratio:50% Alcohol power:16%
sake meter value:+2
Sweetness or Dry: Slightly dry Acid: 1.2
Raw material name: Suisei in Hokkaido
■北の誉 純米 北海羆
グラス 800 (880 税込):ハーフ 600(660 税込)
Kitanohomare Junmai Hokkaihiguma
Glass 800 (880 IcludedTax):Half Size 500(550 IncludedTax)
■ Others Some items are not on the list, so please contact the staff!
グラスサイズ Glass:125ml / ハーフサイズ Half:65cc
■お勧め道産酒:recommended sake
■日本酒飲み比べセット:Comparison Set
■ カクテル:cocktail
■ウイスキー&ブランデーwhiskey &Brandy
■ノンアルコール:Non alcohol
お通し 3品込 1000 (1100)
Table Charge 1000 (3food included)
Consumption 10% tax is excluded