■金滴酒造 新十津川町:Kintekishuzo Sintotsukawa-town

金滴酒造 :金滴(きんてき)《新十津川町》


Kinteki Sake brewing was founded in 1906 (1906).
It is in Shintotsukawa Town.It is a well-established sake brewery that walked along with the history of the development of Hokkaido.Shintotsukawa Town is famous also in Hokkaido, the rice production center.Moreover, the production of rice for liquor is very much called “village of liquor rice”.
It is made with rice made by local farmers and underwater water of Pinneshili mountain system only.
Mr. Murooka, the youngest 28-year-old in Hokkaido, is making sake.

■金滴 北の純米酒 【特別純米酒】
グラス 800 (880 税込):ハーフ 600(660 税込)

精米歩合:60% アルコール度数:15~16%
日本酒度:+3  甘・辛度:やや辛口 酸度:1.4
主要原料米:北海道産酒造好適米 吟風

Kinteki KitanoJunmaishu (Junmai) 125cc  
Glass 800 (880 IcludedTax):Half Size 600(660 IncludedTax)   
Polishing ratio: 60%  Alcohol power: 15 to 16%
sake meter value: +3
Sweetness or Dry:  dry  Acid: 1.4
Raw material name: rice & koji  from Hokkaido

■金滴 北の微笑(きたのほほえみ)純米吟醸酒
グラス 900 (990 税込):ハーフ 700(770 税込)

精米歩合:55% アルコール度数:15〜16%
日本酒度:+2 甘・辛度:やや辛口 酸度:1.4

Kinteki KitanoHohoemi (Junmai Ginjyo Sake) 125cc
Glass 900 (990 IncludedTax):Half Size 700(770 IncludedTax) 
Polishing ratio:55% Alcohol power: 15 to 16%
sake meter value: +2
Sweetness or Dry:  Slightly dry  Acid: 1.4
Raw material name: rice & koji  from Hokkaido

■金滴 純米吟醸 パーカーポイント91
グラス 900 ( 990 税込):ハーフ 700(770 税込)

Kinterki Junmaiginjyo
Glass 900 ( 990 IncludedTax):Half Size 600(660 IncludedTax)
The most famous Parker point in the wine industry. Sake that Mr. Parker gave 91 points in the evaluation of sake.

■ Others Some items are not on the list, so please contact the staff!

グラスサイズ:125ml  / ハーフサイズ:65cc

■お勧め道産酒:recommended sake
■日本酒飲み比べセット:Comparison Set
■ カクテル:cocktail


■ウイスキー&ブランデーwhiskey &Brandy 
■ノンアルコール:Non alcohol



お通1品込  660円
Consumption 10% tax is excluded
Table Charge ¥660(1food included)