
Sake&Shochu comparison set
Drinking comparison set

음주 비교 세트

1300(1430 )~

1グラス 60ml✖3=180ml

Hokkaido’s finest sake set 3500 (3850)
@By the way, if you order three types in half glasses of 75cc, it will cost 7700 yen (8470). If you convert it to 60cc, it will be 6160 yen.
홋카이도의 일본 술의 최고봉 세트
@ 참고로 하프 글라스 75cc로 3 종류 주문하면 7700 엔 (8470)합니다. 60cc로 환산하면 6160엔입니다~

・吉翔 日本清酒 札幌市 道内で天皇家が飲む唯一の御用達道産酒
・北の勝 大吟醸 根室市 日本最東の酒蔵 道内で最も入手が困難な大吟醸
・男山純米大吟醸 旭川市 日本酒が世界で認められるきっかけとなった先駆け最高峰酒

・Kissho Nihonseishu in Sapporo City .The only Hokkaido sake used by the Imperial Family
・Kitanokatsu Daiginjo in Nemuro City.Japan’s easternmost sake brewery, the hardest Daiginjo to obtain in Hokkaido
・Otokoyama Junmai Daiginjo in Asahikawa City, the pioneering sake that helped Japanese sake gain recognition around the world.

Special Hokkaido Rice Daiginjo Tasting Set 1700 (1870)
We have prepared a tasting set of three types of Hokkaido sake rice made from the same brewery, water, and craftsman.

・シャトー大雪 旭川市 吟風 純米大吟醸
・シャトー大雪 旭川市 彗星 大吟醸
・シャトー大雪 旭川市 きたしずく 純米大吟醸

・Chateau Daisetsu Asahikawa City.Ginpu rice Junmai Daiginjo
・Chateau Daisetsu Asahikawa City. Suisei rice Daiginjo
・Chateau Daisetsu Asahikawa City. Kitashizuku rice Junmai Daiginjo

1300 (1430)
A tasting set of three types of Hokkaido dry sake (contents may change if out of stock)

・二世古酒造 倶知安町 彩シリーズ 黄色 辛口
・日本清酒  札幌市  なまら純米辛口
・高砂酒造  旭川市  国士無双 DRY

・Niseko Shuzo Kutchan Town Irodori Series Yellow Dry
・Nihon Seishu Sapporo City Namara Junmai Dry
・Takasago Shuzo Asahikawa City Kokushi Musou DRY

北の勝レアー3種飲み比べセット 2000 (2200)
碓氷勝三郎商店 根室市
Kitanokatsu Rare 3-Type Tasting Set 2000 (2200)
Usui Katsusaburo Shoten, Nemuro City

・北の勝 純米酒  純米系ではこの1種類のみ製造
・北の勝 吟醸酒  根室管内を中心に出回る蔵唯一の吟醸酒
・北の勝 大吟醸酒 道内で最も入手困難と言われている大吟醸酒

・Kitanokatsu Junmai Sake: This is the only type of Junmai sake produced
(If a Ginpu type is available, we will serve that)
・Kitanokatsu Ginjo Sake: The only Ginjo sake from this brewery, available mainly in the Nemuro area

旭川3蔵元セット 1300 (1430)
A set of sake from three breweries in Asahikawa City

・男山 つまみつつ 寿司専用酒 純米
・合同酒精醸造部 絹雪 純米吟醸 
・高砂酒造 国士無双 きたしずく純米吟醸

・Otokoyama Tsumamitsutsu Sake for Sushi Junmai A junmai sake created at the request of young sushi chefs, with an eye on global competition
・Kinuyuki Junmai Ginjo, Godo Susei .
The only product in Hokkaido to be certified under the “Kirarip” Hokkaido Certification System
・Takasago Shuzo Kokushi Musou Kita Shizuku Junmai Ginjo A junmai ginjo brewed with Kita Shizuku, a high-quality variety that was recognized in 2012

高砂酒造 明治蔵限定 生酒3種類セット 1400 (1540)

Takasago Sake Brewery is a nationally famous sake brewery within walking distance from Asahikawa Station. The brewery’s name is “Meijigura.” This is a type of unpasteurized sake that is only available at Meijigura.

・国士無双 明治蔵限定 きたしずく 純米生酒
・国士無双 明治蔵限定 美山錦   特別純米
・国士無双 明治蔵限定 きたしずく 純米吟醸

・Kokushi Musou Meiji Brewery Limited Kita Shizuku Junmai Namasake
・Kokushi Musou Meiji Brewery Limited Miyamanishiki Special Junmai
・Kokushi Musou Meiji Brewery Limited Kita Shizuku Junmai Ginjo

⑦三千櫻酒造 3種類セット 1500 (1650)

This sake brewery moved from Nakatsugawa City, Gifu Prefecture to Higashikawa Town, a neighboring town located north of Asahikawa City. This is a publicly-funded, privately-run sake brewery.

・三千櫻 R純米
・三千櫻 彗星55 純米吟醸
・三千櫻 きたしずく 純米大吟醸

・Mitsumozakura R Junmai
・Mitsumozakura Suisei 55 Junmai Ginjo
・Mitsumozakura Kita Shizuku Junmai Daiginjo

⑧お勧めフルーティー純米吟醸セット 1400 (1540)
We have selected fruity ginjo sake recommended by the Bar manager from among the sakes produced in Hokkaido.
@The contents may change due to out-of-stock items.

・二世古酒造  倶知安町 二世古  彗星 純米吟醸
・三千櫻酒造 東川町  三千櫻  彗星 純米吟醸
・日本清酒  札幌市  日本清酒 吟風 純米吟醸

・Niseko Sake Brewery in Kutchan Town. Niseko Suisei Junmai Ginjo
・Michizakura Sake Brewery in Higashikawa Town. Michizakura Suisei Junmai Ginjo
・Nihon Seishu in Sapporo City . Nihon Seishu Ginpu Junmai Ginjo

⑨二世古酒造 倶知安町 彩シリーズ 特別純米3種セット 1300 (1430)

We chose three colors from the Irodori series by Niseko Shuzo, a popular sake brewery in Hokkaido. In the spring, this sake is sometimes served as “namazake.”

・二世古 青 彗星    特別純米
・二世古 紫 いたしずく 特別純米
・二世古 黄 吟風    特別純米

・Niseko Blue Suisei Special Junmai
・Niseko Purple Itashizuku Special Junmai
・Niseko Yellow Ginpu Special Junmai

⑩道産酒甘辛3種類セット 1400 (1540)
Hokkaido Sake Sweet and Spicy 3 Types Set 1400 (1540)

The contents may change due to out-of-stock items.

・男山 旭川市 復古酒 江戸時代の造りを忠実に再現した甘口の日本酒
・上川大雪酒造 碧雲蔵 辛口 帯広畜産大学構内にできた酒蔵
・高砂酒造 国士無双 DRY 道産酒の中では日本酒度+16の超辛口酒

・Otoyama in Asahikawa City. Futtkoshu A sweet Japan sake that faithfully reproduces the production of the Edo period
・Kamikawa Daisetsu Sake Brewery in Obihiro City. Dry Sake type.This brewery built on the campus of Obihiro University of Agriculture and Agriculture
・Takasago Sake Brewery in Asahikawa City. Kokushi Musou DRY. It is a super dry sake with sake meter value+16.

⑪七飯町 箱館醸蔵 3種セット 1400 (1540).

Hakodate sake brewery in Nanae town . 3 types set .
The first sake brewery in 35 years in Nanae, a neighboring town of Hakodate City, is “Hakodate Brewery”.Drinking comparison of the main brand “Goho”.
@The contents may change due to out-of-stock items.

・郷宝 純米吟醸
・郷宝 磨き六割 特別純米
・郷宝 扁平磨き六割 特別純米

・Gohhou junnmai ginnjo
・Gohhou PolishRate60% Special junmai
・Gphhou Special flat Polish type Rate60%

⑫芳醇系純米3種セット 1300 (1430)
Three popular, savory types from three of Hokkaido’s leading breweries
The contents may change due to out-of-stock items.

・国稀酒造 増毛町 特別純米 吟風国稀
・小林酒造 栗山町 特別純米 まる田
・日本清酒 札幌市 純米酒  なまら純米超辛

・ Kunimare Sake Brewery in Masike Town. Special Junmai Ginpu Kunirare.
・Kobayashi Shuzo in Kuriyama Town. Special Junmai Maruta.
・Nihonseshu in Sapporo City. Junmai sake Namara Junmai super dry.

⑬上川大雪酒造 3蔵純米セット 1600 (1760)

Kamikawa Taisetsu Sake Brewery is currently located at “Ryottkyugura” in Kamikawa Town, “Hekiungura” in Obihiro City,
And for the first time in 54 years, there is a sake brewery in Hakodate City, “Goryo no Kura”.
It is a comparison of those representative brands.

・上川大雪酒造緑丘蔵 上川町 特別純米
・上川大雪酒造碧雲蔵 帯広市 純米辛口
・函館五稜之蔵    函館市 純米

・Kamikawa Taisetsu Sake Brewery Ryokkyugura in Kamikawa Town. Special Junmai
・Kamikawa Taisetsu Sake Brewery Hekiungura in Obihiro City. Junmai Dry
・Hakodate Goryonozo inHakodate City. Junmai

⑭白麹造りスペシャル3種 1500 (1650)
Usually, sake is made with “yellow koji”, but these are made with “white koji” and are characterized by a taste like white wine.

・福司酒造 釧路市 五色之雲 Ashiri
・高砂酒造 旭川市 若蔵 白麹仕込み
・上川大雪酒造緑丘蔵 上川町 SHIRO

・Fukutsukasa Shuzo in Kushiro City. Goshiki no Kumo Ashiri
・Takasago Sake Brewery in Asahikawa City. Wakazo White Koji Brewing
・Kamikawa Taisetsu Sake Brewery. Ryokyugura in Kamikawa Town. SHIRO

⑮銘酒の裕多加 オリジナル3種セット 1300 (1430)
Yutaka sake original 3-item set

Nihonseishu in Sapporo City
・Ouju Junmai
・Hitotsume Junmai
・Megurimeguru Junmai

⑯日本清酒限定流通 十一州 造り違い3種 1500 (1650)
Nionseishu in Sapporo-city. Juittshu.
Three different ways to make sake.

・juittshu Junmai
・juittshu Junmaiginjo
・Juittshu Junmaidaiginjo

⑰上川大雪酒造 碧雲蔵 帯広市 飲み比べ3種 1600 (1730)
Kamikawataisetsushuzo Hekiungura in Obihiro-city

・Tokachi Junmai Honjozo
・Tokachi Junmai
・Tokachi Junmaidaiginjo

能登復興応援3種セット Noto reconstruction support 3 types set 1300 (1430)

・Hashimotoshuzo Judaime Junmai
・TakeuchiShuzo Takeuchishuzo Goshiizumi Junmai
・Nakamurashuzo Aizu-Nakamuraya

1300(1430 )


①親びんお勧め3種:昆布・とうきび・珈琲 1300(1430)
Manager’s recommendation Kelp, corn, coffee

・Rishiri Seaweed
・Hokkaido Corn
・Niseko Coffee

②喜多里 札幌市:麦・芋・昆布セット 1300 (1430)
KItasato in Sapporo-city Barley, Sweet Potatoes, Kelp

・Kitasato Barley
・Kitasato Sweet Potate
・Kiyasato Kelp

③さほろ酒造 新得町 そば・麦・とうきび セット 1300(1430)
Sahoro Sake Brewery in Shintoku Town, Buckwheat、Barley, Corn.

・Nakiusagi Backweet
・Juttshomuhai Barley
・Juttshomuhai Corn

④いも違い 馬鈴薯・男爵・こなふぶき 1300 (1430)
Different types of potatoes: Potato, Baron, Konafubuki

・Bareisho  Baresho Potate, Konafubuki
・Hokkaidannshaku Baron Potato
・Hokkaido Kiyosato Konafubuki Potato

⑤昆布違い:礼文・三石・利尻昆布セット 1300(1430)
Differences between kelp: Rebun, Mitsuishi, Rishiri kelp

・Rebun Island Rebun kelp
・Mitsuishi  Mitsuisi kelp
・Risiri Island Rishi kelp

⑥国稀酒造焼酎セット 酒粕・酒粕樽熟成・菊芋 1400 (1540)
Japan’s northernmost sake brewery: Kunimare Sake Brewery shochu set.
sake lees, sake lees barrel aged, Jerusalem artichoke

・Kunimare Taizo  sake lees
・Kunimare Taizo barrel aged
・Kikumare Jerusalem artichoke

⑦変わり種3種:ミルク・泡盛利尻・バジル 1400 (1540)
Three unique varieties: Milk, Awamori Rishiri, Basil

・Milk Liquuor in Sapporo-city  Milk
・Hagoe from Okinawa  Awamori Rishiri
・Kotobuki in Suttsu-town Basil

⑧上川大雪酒造緑丘蔵レアー3種 1800 (1960)
Kamikawa Taisetsu Sake Brewery Ryokkyugura Rare 3 types

・Kamikawa Race Cask Aging
・Kamikawa Backweet
・Kamikara Rice

⑨喜多里いも違い3種:紫・メークイン・黄金千貫 1300 (1430)
Three different varieties potatoes in Sapporo-city: Purple, May Queen, KoganesenganSweet potato

・KItasato Purple potato
・Kitasato May Queen potato
・Kitasato Koganesengan Sweet potato

⑩樽熟成道産3種  1500 (1650)
Cask Type in Hokkaido

・Taramaru in Iwanai-town
・Kiyosato in Kiyosato-town

⑪劇レアー幻いも焼酎3種 1500 (1650)
Three types of extremely rare potato shochu

・Kunsui in Otaru-city
・Patata In Otary-city
・Horafuki in Sapporo-city

⑫劇レアー幻米焼酎セット 1500 (1650)
Super rare rice shochu set

・Pirikadensetsu in Otaru-city Rice
・Ichitaro in Otaru-city Rice
・Gokoku in Asahikaea-city Rice


お通し 3品込  1000 (1100)
Table Charge 1000 (3food included)
Consumption 10% tax is excluded