話題の道産『ジン JIN』


In recent years, distilleries that produce Hokkaido gin have been created one after another. Gin from Hokkaido is highly evaluated in the world.

■紅櫻蒸溜所 札幌市
Benizakura Distillery in Sapporo-city
1SHOT 45ml 1200 (1320 IncludedTax)~

■積丹スピリット 積丹町
Shakotan Distillery in Shakotan-town
1SHOT 45ml 1200 (1320 IncludedTax)~

■合同酒精 旭川市
Godo shusei in Asahikawa-city
1SHOT 45ml 1200 (1320 IncludedTax)~

■ニセコ蒸留所 倶知安町 
Hakkaisan Distillery in Kuchan-town
1SHOT 45ml 1200 (1320 IncludedTax)~

@炭酸割(+110  IncludedTax)

■ Others Some items are not on the list, so please contact the staff!

■お勧め道産酒:recommended sake
■日本酒飲み比べセット:Comparison Set
■ カクテル:cocktail


■ウイスキー&ブランデーwhiskey &Brandy 
■ノンアルコール:Non alcohol



お通し 3品込  1000 (1100)
Table Charge 1000 (3food included)
Consumption 10% tax is excluded