Basic knowledge of wine from Hokkaido
Basic knowledge of wine from Hokkaid
More than 200 wineries are brewing throughout Japan. Currently there are 53 wineries in Hokkaido and the winery is also increasing year by year. The production volume of wine for brewing is nationwide. We are evolving every day to become the leading wine producing area in Japan.
Grape cultivation in Hokkaido
The climate of Hokkaido, which is said to be “Japan’s Europe”, is less humid and refreshing, is suitable for the cultivation of European grapes and is Japan’s largest producing area. Summer without dry rainy season and typhoon Drying climate prevents the flowering time of grapes and excessive moisture before harvest and makes it possible to tailor a fence that makes use of machines unique to vast fields. The cool wind prevents acid from escaping, and long sunshine hours of summer unique to the high latitude area make the grapes ripe. Grape varieties that prefer native cool weather such as Germany, Austria and northern France are the cultivation center, and the characteristic of Hokkaido is that the ratio of white wine is high.
◆ケルナー◆ Kerner
Suitable for the climate of Hokkaido, Kerner variety cultivated mainly in Yoichi Town, became a representative white wine variety in Hokkaido.
Trollinger and Riesling hybrid. Fruity and faintly scent of Muscat. It has a scent similar to the Riesling variety, and it becomes roughly good quality white wine.
◆ミュラー・トゥルガウ◆ Müller-Thurgau
A grape variety born in Germany as a breeding species of Riesling in 1882. It creates a clean white wine that does not lose the personality of Riesling. In Tsurumuma, condensed fruit fruit and minerals are given to wine by limiting the harsh yield below half of Germany.
◆ツヴァイゲルト・レーベ◆ Zweigelt-Rebe
A grape for red wine representing Austrian wine is Zweigelt Lebe. Seedlings donated from Klosterneuburg Temple in 1975 have taken root in Tsurumuma, and now it is cultivated in the winery of each region as becoming the main varieties of grapes for red wine in Hokkaido.
@ツヴァイゲルト・レーベ と料理の相性
◆バッカス◆ Bacchus
This grape varieties born in Germany by mating Shoilave and Müller-Thurgau is an aromatic white wine that blends the scent of unique Muscat and herb reminiscent scent.
@バッカス と料理の相性
◆レンベルガー◆ Lemberger
A grape variety for red wine that is popular in Baden-Württemberg region of Germany, smooth mouth. The color of glossy pericarp, reminiscent of the black shine of steel, and red wine of medium bodied color are created because it is a small grain.
@レンベルガー と料理の相性
◆トロリンガー ◆ Trollinger
その名前からアルプスの麓 チロル地方が原産といわれている黒葡萄。グローブほどにもなる大きな房と巨峰のような大粒の実が特徴で、親しみやすい風味の赤ワインやロゼワインを生み出します。
From its name Black grapes are said to be native to the Tyrolean region at the base of the Alps. It is characterized by large fruits like gloves as well as large fruits such as giant pine, creating red wine and rosé wine of familiar flavor.
@トロリンガー と料理の相性
◆ヴァイスブルグンダー◆ Weissburgunder
The Pinot Blanc species of Burgundian origin are called Weissburgunder in Germany. It is dry and rich, it becomes the wine which is suitable for the most maturing in Tsurumuma, and when you can fall asleep for 3 years or more from harvest you will have drinking time.
In Japan, it is an aromatic wine with aroma and brewing in a European luxury variety that has not been cultivated so much.
@ヴァイスブルグンダー と料理の相性
◆トラミーナ◆ Traminer
Gewürztraminer for high-grade white wine representative of the Alsace region. Featuring sweet ripe fragrance such as litchi, muscat, white peach and rich aroma of fusion of spices such as clove and cinnamon, it becomes mellow white wine of acid which can be fully enjoyed from young.
@トラミーナ と料理の相性
◆リースリング◆ Riesling
As the finest white wine varieties, Riesling has a world-renowned Riesling. In Hokkaido it is only a little rooted in the field of Tsurumuma. It is an elegant white wine with a delicate and elegant aroma comparable to a white flower, a scent of mineral, a refreshing sour and fruit harmony.
@リースリング と料理の相性
◆シャルドネ Chardonnay◆
世界中で栽培されている白ブドウ品種。この品種は品種自体の強い個性を持たず、ニュートラルであるため”テロワールを反映する品種である”といわれている。非常にバラエタルに富み、栽培地やその条件、そして醸造技術者の意識にワインの味わいは大きく変化する。 開花期の降雨により花ぶるいを起こしやすく、薄い果皮のため収穫期の降雨により病気が発生しやすい。 収穫期に酸が落ちやすいため、収穫時期の決定はワインの品質と密接な関係を持つ。 樹勢が強く収穫量は高い。
White grape variety cultivated all over the world. This variety has no strong individuality of the variety itself, it is said to be “varieties reflecting terroir” because it is neutral. Very diverse, rich in wine’s taste to cultivated land and its condition, and consciousness of brewing technicians.
It tends to cause flower swelling due to rain at the flowering period, and it is prone to disease due to rainfall at the harvesting period because it is a thin pericarp.
Since acid tends to fall during harvesting period, determination of harvest time is closely related to quality of wine. The trees are strong and the yield is high.
◆ピノ・ノワール Pinot Noir◆
この品種はピノ・グリ、ピノ・ブランなどの突然変異を起こしやすく、稀に1本の樹の中にグリやブランが着くこともある。 ピノ・ノワールが表現する官能的な味わいに多くのワイン愛好家やワイナリーオーナーが魅了され、世界各地で栽培・醸造されている。この品種は様々な”クローン”が選抜され、そのクローンも多様化している。 発芽は早目であり、収穫量は”クローン”によって様々であるが、一般的には低めである。比較的早期に成熟するが温暖な気候の場合は成熟期間が性急に進行するため、香りや酸を失わないように比較的冷涼な気候で栽培されることが多い。
Varieties that produce the most expensive red wine.
This varieties are likely to cause mutations such as Pinot Gris, Pino Blanc, etc., and rarely a tree and a bran may arrive in one tree. Many wine enthusiasts and winery owners are attracted to the sensual flavor expressed by Pino Noir, cultivated and brewed around the world. Various “clones” have been selected for this variety, and their clones are diversified. Germination is early and the harvest amount varies depending on “clones”, but generally it is lower. Mature in a relatively early stage, but in the case of a temperate climate the maturation period will progress quickly, so it is often cultivated in a relatively cool climate so as not to lose scent and acid.
◆セイベル Seibel 13053◆
Also called cascade. Crossbred species of Seibel 7042 × Saber 5409. It grows mainly in Hokkaido. The cold resistance is strong, and stable yield can be raised. Prematurity. It is highly resistant to powdery mildew, but care needs to be taken with regard to bed disease.The scent is rich but slightly drinkable wine. In France, which was hit hard by the damage of Philoxella (root aphid), trying to nurture Phylloxera resistant varieties that can be cultivated on their own without grafting European vinifera grapes and American type Lavulaska species rootstocks, The French hybrid is the one that mated Lavrúsca species. The main French hybrids cultivated in Japan are Seibel 5279, Sabel 9110, Saber 13053. The scent is rich but slightly drinkable wine. In France, which was hit hard by the damage of Philoxella (root aphid), trying to nurture Phylloxera resistant varieties that can be cultivated on their own without grafting European vinifera grapes and American type Lavulaska species rootstocks, The French hybrid is the one that mated Lavulsa species. The main French hybrids cultivated in Japan are Seibel 5279, Sabel 9110, Saber 13053.
◆セイベルSeibel 5279◆
Seibel 5279 (Seibel 788 × Seibel 29) is also known as Aurore. It germinates quickly and matures quickly. Upon ripening you will get a foxyy flavor. It is prone to infection with Beto disease and black spot disease. It is cultivated mainly in Hokkaido.
◆セイベルSeibel 9110◆
A combination of raw food and wine. It becomes a wine of fruity aroma and refreshing flavor. It is excellent in cold resistance and disease resistance, easy to cultivate, it is of the Huafen type. It is cultivated mainly in Hokkaido, Nagano and Niigata.
◆ナイアガラ Niagara◆
Mating hybrid for white wine in northeastern North America (Concord x Cassaday). Foxyy · flavor is strong. A fruity and comfortable sweet wine is good. It also becomes a raw material for juice. Hokkaido, Nagano, Yamagata is the main production area.
◆デラウェア Delaware◆
Native hybrids of American native rubble ska × aestivalis × binnfera. In Japan, it is established as white wine and grape for raw eating (treated with gibberellin · without seed). Popular with sweet fruity drinking type. Many are harvested in Yamagata, Yamanashi, Hokkaido, Osaka, Shimane.
◆ポートランド Portland◆
Parents are “champion” and “rute.” American origin. 1973 Hokkaido excellent varieties. White animal varieties. Sweet and juicy and strong aroma.
◆メルロー Merlot◆
Easy to raise, easy to raise, ripe strawberries and berry-like fruit flavors are rich, mellow, rounded and can be drunk quickly. Get rich bouquet through aging. It is popular all over the world and is grown everywhere. It is blended with Cabernet · Fran and Cabernet · Sauvignon. Nagano, Yamagata, Hyogo, Yamanashi are the main producing regions. Some are also being produced in Hokkaido.
◆ピノ・グリ Pinot Gris◆
Grape varieties for white wine originating in the Burgundian region of eastern France. The color of the pericarp is shades of darkness compared to ordinary white wine grapes such as pink and grayish purple. Therefore, the white wine made with Pinot Gris will also be finished in a thick shade.
We translated by Google translation.
There may be a wrong English expression, but please understand!
■お勧め道産酒:recommended sake
■日本酒飲み比べセット:Comparison Set
■ カクテル:cocktail
■ウイスキー&ブランデーwhiskey &Brandy
■ノンアルコール:Non alcohol